Erasmus+ European Project
Community Media for E-Volunteering on Climate Change
The ECO-MEDIA Project partners looked forwarded to meeting one another virtually and have a productive day discussing and working on the latest developments of the project the third Transnational Project Meeting (TPM). The consortium met via Zoom, and were welcomed by the project coordinator Ayuntamiento de la Palma Del Condado (Spain) on 04 April 2023.
The meeting commenced with a presentation and discussion covering project management matters. The consortium had the opportunity to reflect on achieved results, run through the project schedule and discuss any quality issues, and financial reporting.
The next order events were to discuss Intellectual Output 2, led by Enjoy Italy Di Alessandro Gariano (Italy). Partners were officially notified that the finalization of the toolkit has been realized, including assessing the priorities and challenges related to climate change, exploring potential pathways for green actions, designing a curriculum on youth work and climate change; methodologies for raising awareness amongst young people, production of a digital toolkit on digital youth work in the scope of climate change, and the development of a paper brochure. The final phase to complete this result is for partners to translate the digital toolkit in the language of partner countries.
The partners then took a virtual coffee break and reconvened to the get started working on Intellectual Output 3, led by Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (Greece). This result involves the training units produced for Youth Work and Young Engagement in the Scope of Climate Change. The structure, content and assessment strategy of modules were discussed and partners shared various ideas on how to best implement this. The module structure was confirmed and the piloting phase for testing the modules were introduced for further collaborative ideas from partners. Wisefour Innovation and Development Organisation Ltd (Cyprus) is currently developing two units out of the nine under this intellectual output covering the topics of ‘E-volunteering for social challenges’ and ‘Engagement of young people’.
Intellectual Output 4, the final project output is the ECO-Media E-Learning Platform led by Vienna Association of Education Volunteers (Austria). The leading partner provided an overview of the intended structure and requirements of the platform. Partners discussed the ideal alignment between the training units and the platform. At this stage the leader has explained the creation of the storyboard of the e-learning platform, development of graphic interface, and there was an in-depth discussion about the uploading of the curriculum, digital toolkit and 6 + 3 training units and the required timeframes.
After a short interlude, Kestävän Kehityksen Instituutti Ry (Finland) presented the latest developments of the Sustainability Plan.
The main goals of this plan are:
– To find strategic solutions in order to maintain the operative functions of the project outcomes;
– To make sure that the project results will continue to impact the local, regional, national and European communities, therefore maximising their effect;
– To guarantee the full and complete functionality and accessibility of the e-learning platform, including translation of the materials into national project languages;
– To ensure the continuing engagement of both youth workers and potential future young volunteers;
– To increase the engagement of beneficiaries, by encouraging the use of the project outcomes in the relevant centres, organisations, NGOs, institutions, etc.
– To continue the use of the project methodologies and expand their outreach, thanks to the versatility and adaptability of the project results.
– To discuss during the TPMs and agree on the potential shared costs to keep the operative functions of the project outcomes.
Virtual tpm brochure
The meeting ended on an exiting note! The partners discussed the next face-to-face TPM in Vienna, Austria set to take place in the second half of the year.
Project's implementation.
The consortium of the project consists of 6 partners: Ayuntamiento de la Palma Del Condado (Spain), Wisefour Innovation and Development Organisation Ltd (Cyprus), Enjoy Italy Di Alessandro Gariano (Italy), Vienna Association of Education Volunteers (Austria), Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (Greece), and Kestävän Kehityksen Instituutti Ry (Finland)
Start date 01-12-2021 – End date 01-12-2023.
The project is co-funded by the European Commission, and by the Erasmus + KA2 Lifelong Learning Program.
Project Number: 2021-KA220-ADU-81D2BF47