Erasmus+ European Project
Culture & Creativity Sectors’ Entrepreneurship Empowerment in the Digital Era
The 1st plenary meeting of the ENVISION project, took place on November 23rd, 2021, discussing the structure, the content, and the work division of the Intellectual Outputs (IOs) of the Project. Having completed IO1 (Needs Identification, User Requirements and Exercises Development Framework), the main topics of discussion concerned the implementation of the next IOs, and more specifically:
- IO2: Development of the online accelerating platform for CCS stakeholders
- IO3:Content development for an e-training toolkit of consulting & mentoring services for cultural entrepreneurs
There was a fruitful discussion regarding the completed tasks (milestones) of IO1, as well as the implementation of the next IOs; work division, each partner’s input in each IO, and time framework. All partners shared their thoughts on several aspects regarding the implementation of the Project’s IOs, and made constructive suggestions on the content development of the accelerating platform (IO2) and the e-training toolkit (IO3).
During the meeting, Mrs. Dorina Stamou from Found.ation (Leading organization for IO2), presented a sitemap of the accelerating platform, explaining its main structure and features.
The issue of the consortium’s transnational meeting in Cyprus in 2022 was also discussed and all partners decided to assess the COVID-19 situation in the following months, and if circumstances allow it, to schedule it for either March or April 2022.
The meeting concluded with a discussion about some key points concerning certain Project Management issues (timesheets and relevant documentation that need to be completed by all partners).
Project's implementation.
The project is being implemented in Cyprus through the ERASMUS+ Programme under the supervision of the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes (ΙΔΕΠ Διά Βίου Μάθησης) and the collaboration of Wisefour (Coordinator), PROGEU-PROGRESS IN EUROPEAN UNION – ISTITUTO PER LO SVILUPPO APS (Italy), CulturePolis (Greece), Found.ation Maker’s Place Private Company (Greece), the INFODEF – Instituto para el Fomento del Desarrollo y la Formación (Spain), and Sichting Crealisatie (Netherlands).
1st Plenary Meeting Presentation.
1st Plenary Meeting
We are so excited to coordinate Envision, stay tuned for our next steps!
Start date 01-03-2021 – End date 28-02-2023.
The project is co-funded by the European Commission, and by the Erasmus + KA2 Lifelong Learning Program.
Project Number: 2020-1-CY01-KA227-ADU-082745