Erasmus+ European Project
Supporting, mobilizing, and empowering creative and cultural industry
entrepreneurs and educators towards social change.
The first plenary meeting of the CENTAUR project, took place virtually, via ZOOM, on November 25th, 2021, discussing the structure, the content, and the work division of the Intellectual Outputs (IOs) of the Project. After having completed IO1 (Needs identification, user requirements and exercises development Framework), the main topics of discussion concerned the implementation of the rest of the IOs, and more specifically:
- IO2: Online eLearning and networking platform
- IO4: Self-assessment tool
- IO5: Collection of practices and exercises
- IO6: Engaging flexible tools for exercises
In addition, there was a fruitful discussion regarding the completed tasks (milestones) of IO1, as well as the implementation of the rest of the IOs; work division, each partner’s input in each IO, and time framework. All partners decided to arrange a new meeting in the following months, so as to prepare a detailed and complete plan for each IO separately, while smaller online meetings with only the necessary participants may take place in the meanwhile. Moreover, issues like the interconnection and the parallel implementation of the IOs, as well as the translation of the produced material were put on the table for further discussion and clarification.
In the meeting, the dissemination leader of the Project, Mrs. Björg Stefánsdóttir from Listahaskoli Islands, updated the partners regarding several dissemination activities, such as posts on each partner’s social media accounts, posts on the CENTAUR website, etc.
The meeting concluded with a discussion about some key points concerning certain Project Management issues (timesheets and relevant documentation that need to be completed by all partners).
Project's implementation.
The project is being implemented in Germany through the ERASMUS+ Programme and the collaboration of Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart, Blickpunkt Identität (Austria), Wisefour Innovation and Development Organisation Ltd (Cyprus), LISTAHASKOLI ISLANDS (Iceland), and AKADIMAIKO DIADIKTYO (Greece).
We are so excited to coordinate Centaur, stay tuned for our next steps!
Start date 01-03-2021 – End date 28-02-2023.
The project is co-funded by the European Commission, and by the Erasmus + KA2 Lifelong Learning Program.
Project Number: 2020-1-DE02-KA227-ADU-008268