Erasmus+ European Project
Culture & Creativity Sectors’ Entrepreneurship Empowerment in the Digital Era
The Final Meeting of the ENVISION project took place in the beautiful city of Athens in Greece. For two days, Wednesday, February 22nd and Thursday, February 23rd, the hosting organization FOUND.ATION welcomed all partners and organized a flawless event. The Final Meeting was combined with the implementation of the ENVISION Cultural Hackathon.
During this 2-day meeting, representatives from all partner organizations had the opportunity to meet with stakeholders and members of the Creative Arts Sector (CAS), and engage with them in an online Hackathon, whose aim was to provide guidance to participants with an entrepreneurial idea and help them develop it and make it flourish. All partners provided their experience and expertise and engaged in numerous informative online presentations. During that 2-day event, the consortium’s final meeting also took place; all partners came together to discuss the progress of the project, clarify project management and financial management issues, evaluate the project results, and finally set the timeframe for the remaining reporting tasks and activities.
First Day of the Meeting
The first day of the meeting started with the Cultural Hackathon. Wisefour’s representative welcomed the participants and made an overall presentation on the aims and objectives of the ENVISION project. All project results that were developed throughout the project’s lifespan were also presented in detail. A presentation on “Do’s and Don’ts in Social Media” by the representative of the host organization, Mr. Marios Vlachos, followed, after which, participants were given specific guidelines on the implementation of the Hackathon and the procedures they should follow. Next, they were divided in separate ‘virtual’ rooms with a different partner assigned to their team, to guide them.
Once the first day/session of the Hackathon was completed, all partners proceeded to their internal meeting. Its aim was to discuss the overall progress of the project, to evaluate the project results, and finally to set the timeframe for the remaining project management and financial management tasks.
Second Day of the Meeting
The day started with the second session of the Cultural Hackathon. As soon as all participants joined the online space, a presentation on “How to Pitch Effectively” took place. It was followed by another presentation on “Business Concepts Development”. After that, all participants had the opportunity to pitch their own ideas, discuss them with the partners and ask for advice and guidance. The Cultural Hackathon concluded with a roundtable discussion and a Q&A Session.
After the end of the Hackathon and the evaluation by the consortium of its outcomes, partners moved on to their internal meeting. The second day of the meeting started with a discussion on the overall progress of the project and the development of the Intellectual Outputs. All relevant issues were examined in detail to ensure the high quality of the outcomes. After that, ENVISION’s dissemination leader, Mrs. Vasso Kritikou (CulturePolis), presented the dissemination plan/strategy, as well as the remaining dissemination tasks. The sustainability plan of the project was also discussed in detail. The founder of CulturePolis, Mr. Vasileios Laopodis, made an online intervention and participated in the meeting.
Finally, a Q&A Session followed where all partners had the chance to go through several issues that required further clarification. The second day concluded with a summary of all the subjects that were discussed and the decisions that were taken during the 2-day meeting.
Project's implementation.
The project is being implemented in Cyprus through the ERASMUS+ Programme under the supervision of the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes (ΙΔΕΠ Διά Βίου Μάθησης) and the collaboration of Wisefour (Coordinator), PROGEU-PROGRESS IN EUROPEAN UNION – ISTITUTO PER LO SVILUPPO APS (Italy), CulturePolis (Greece), Found.ation Maker’s Place Private Company (Greece), the INFODEF – Instituto para el Fomento del Desarrollo y la Formación (Spain), and Sichting Crealisatie (Netherlands).
Start date 01-03-2021 – End date 28-02-2023.
The project is co-funded by the European Commission, and by the Erasmus + KA2 Lifelong Learning Program.
Project Number: 2020-1-CY01-KA227-ADU-082745