Erasmus+ European Project
Culture & Creativity Sectors’ Entrepreneurship Empowerment in the Digital Era.
Envision project approval.
One more innovative project of ours was approved in the last Erasmus+ Covid Call, aiming to develop and enhance the Culture and Creativity Sector (CSS).
ENVISION (Culture and Creativity Sectors’ Entrepreneurship Empowerment in the Digital Era) is a project aiming to develop new and enhance already existing entrepreneurship skills and competencies of Culture and Creativity Sectors’ (CSS) entrepreneurs and stakeholders.
The Culture and Creativity Sectors’ CCS are among the most severely struck by the pandemic consequences, and there is a need for inciting their recovery and building their resilience to withstand such shocks.
The ENVISION digital accelerator platform which will be built will provide cultural entrepreneurs with consulting services, as well as an appropriate digital space for presenting their work/projects, and will stimulate creativity and encourage all existing potential in the CCS.
The purpose of the ENVISION digital accelerator Project is to provide digital space that will offer cultural entrepreneurs and start-uppers the possibility to exchange knowledge and new/innovative practices, and the opportunity to become members of an extended (digital) CCS community and network.
Project's implementation.
The project is being implemented in Cyprus through the ERASMUS+ Programme under the supervision of the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes (ΙΔΕΠ Διά Βίου Μάθησης) and the collaboration of Wisefour (Coordinator), PROGEU-PROGRESS IN EUROPEAN UNION – ISTITUTO PER LO SVILUPPO APS (Italy), CulturePolis (Greece), Found.ation Maker’s Place Private Company (Greece), the INFODEF – Instituto para el Fomento del Desarrollo y la Formación (Spain), and Sichting Crealisatie (Netherlands).
Kick-off Meeting.
The Kick-Off Meeting of the Envision Project – the first Meeting of the project, was conducted in 6th of April 2021 online via Zoom with great success! All members of the consortium participated in a 2-hour thorough discussion on the next steps towards the implementation of the project.
Check our material and find out more about the Envision Project…
Kick-off meeting Presentation.
Kick-off meeting
We are so excited to coordinate Envision, stay tuned for our next steps!
Start date 01-03-2021 – End date 28-02-2023.
The project is co-funded by the European Commission, and by the Erasmus + KA2 Lifelong Learning Program.
Project Number: 2020-1-CY01-KA227-ADU-082745