ORION – Online Orientation for Youth.
ORION – Online Orientation for Youth.
Supporting, mobilizing and empowering creative and cultural industry entrepreneurs and educators towards social change.
ENVISION – Culture and Creativity Sectors’ Entrepreneurship Empowerment in the Digital Era.
AKUT – Αmplifying the knowledge and use of testbeds and help business designers, enterprises and start-ups in the food sector.
ECODESforFOOD – Training in Eco-Design for the food industry fo professionals active in the packaging of agri-food products!
NARA – TraiNing on Agriculture and posthaRvest fruit and vegetables through sustainable best prActices.
DELOS – Training in the use of alternative sources and in management and operation of biogas plants!
Tanacomp – Training on the nANOtechnology aspects of plastic COMposites with enhanced properties for use in high-strength applications.